Partner with HOPE Trust

Partner with HOPE Trust

We established the NGO HOPE trust because we are passionate about helping people discover their freedom in Christ. Hope Trust is a vehicle to help maximize our impact as we empower more people with “Eagle” mindsets. We would be delighted if you would consider partnering with us in this worthwhile endeavour.
akura equipment

Gospel in 33 Verses

We believe that the Gospel changes lives! The “Gospel in 33 Verses” Card pack is designed in such a way as to explain the essence of the Gospel message in an easy to understand, step-by-step manner. For only R30 p/m we will place a pack of these cards in the hands of someone whose life might be changed forever. Your partnership will also support our ministry and enable us to share the Gospel and empower others with resources that impact lives.

R30 per pack p/m

akura equipment

T&E Lite Pack

Our goal is to empower 1000 young people p/month with a Turkeys and Eagles – Lite pack of cards. These cards enable young people to see themselves through God’s eyes. They also help to identify negative thinking patterns and replace them with godly mindsets. We are asking you to prayerfully consider partnering with us by sponsoring 1 or more of these packs per month.

R150 per pack p/m

akura solutions

Train Facilitators

We have seen amazing results when we put the Turkeys and Eagles game in the hands of a passionate facilitator who is willing to go and win souls. We love to partner with organizations and churches to identify the right people so that we can provide them with a game and the training needed. The testimonies we receive from these trained facilitators reaching out is astounding.


R1000 per person

(includes a game & training)

Want to know more?

Download the presentation we’ve prepared to give you some insight into Turkeys & Eagles and what our vision and mission is.

Thank you for considering partnering with us.

Registration number:
Hope Trust Trustees:
David Jacobus Scholtz, Willem Johannes Smit, Daniel Steenkamp
Banking Details:
Bank Name: Standard Bank (South Africa)
Legal Entity:

Account No:
Branch Code:
050210 (Paarl)
Electronic Payment Branch Code:
SWIFT Address:

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